quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Personal portrait

What am I... according to me...
Well, I think I'm an average-sized 18-year old boy (at this time), people say I'm thin but I think I'm neither fat nor thin. Don't have well-toned muscles but they still aren't all that bad, my spine is bent, it's shaped like an S in a way, I have brown eyes, black (or maybe dark brown) hair, I wear glasses, I am farsighted, and I don't have very good teeth I guess x)
That's physical part.

Now for the psicological one...
The first thing to know about me, I completely hate lies, I don't care what can happen to me but I do NOT lie, at all... it's one of those things I just CAN'T do, however... there are some things and ocasions where some things must not be know, or it isn't convenient it does so, and in that case, I can either be silent about it, or just talk my way around it, still not lying, and I'm always honest, and I do those deceivings mostly when it's about someone else, I also usually don't hide things that concern me...
I am persistent and strong willed, and when I have to do something I have to do it as perfectly as I can, yup, I'm a profeccionist. Although, for that to apply some conditions must be met, I mean, I think it's mostly one, and it is, MOTIVATION! seriously, I can do whatever there is to do, and frankly I some times get quite amazed with my work, however, it's rare for me to really have the motivation to do something.
I have a helping spirit, and I'm always willing to help those who need me.
It is somewhat hard to affect me mentally, perhaps due to my past, I've grown somewhat immune...
I am completely uninterested about what others may think of me, whether it is behavioural or clothing or whatever.
It's hard to get me angry, and even harder for me to get mad at someone, if that DOES happen (not likely though, and each day that passes even less) it will probably go away in less than a day.

I may look naive and away from this world, but I'm fully aware of what's going on around me, if you don't think so I guess I can answer that, if I DO look like I'm not noticing something or not doing what I'm supposed to or something it's because I DON'T CARE! I admit it, there are a lot of things I don't care about and unless I want to, I won't do it. Yea, I can say here that I am very strong willed, I can do whatever it takes if I feel like I need it or want to, and yet I can do nothing whatever the consequences may be.

I also face the so called "problems" differently from most people, and as I say, problems are only PROBLEMS if you think of them that way, this means, whatever happens to me, it happens, it's the past and I also believe everything will turn out all right. I'm not stupid for that, oh no no no, I do believe everything will be ok but it doesn't mean I won't fight for it, however I can get around whatever comes to hit me.

Hm guess I could mention some of the things I like...
Well what I like the most is certainly being and talking with friends, if it's only 2 of us usually I like it even better. I like a bit of everything actually, don't see much TV though, I like sports as well, just rather a shame I have not much people to do them with, like roller blading.
The environment where I feel really great and alive is in the mountains, mostly over boulders, and jumping around them, other than that I also love to be in touch with nature.

I just don't like... things that are way too common, I don't know it just... repels me, and I like to be original and all that... not because everyone says it or something but... I just don't wanna do what everyone does I guess, I don't know...
Oh yeah, I hate football, enough said about that.
And... I can't say I don't like these, but it just saddens me, when people don't believe in themselves, when they give more importance to what others might think and say rather than to their own hearts... When they don't value themselves...

I think that's it for now...

I'll be myself untill the end, no matter what they all say, you may call me whatever you like but it's the path I've chosen and I am happy with it!

1 comentário:

  1. Great Vitor! It's exactly what I have learned to know about u. So what does that make me? U work it out! Good for u that are right on the fine line between indifferent to others and self-conscientious. So many people strive all their lives to get near it... Thank u for sharing these thoughts with me. I'm sure your present classmates have figured it out, by the way they cherish u. Anyway it's all your doing and it shows that u are surrounded by beautiful people, too.
    Have a great holiday! Evaluation: 19
