terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2012

11-09-2012 - 23:40

Myrri... where could you be...?

terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012

Random thoughts and life paradoxes...

Well... ever since I can remember I like to intellectualize and try to figure everything out on every angle I could... and ever since a long time ago I thought about some random existence paradoxes... which make no sense with either alternative...

The first two I found were almost at the same time... and thinking about it are somewhat connected.

Let's start from the beginning... so the first one is time... maybe not the most paradoxical when thinking about the maximum limit but... anyway... if you think about the BEGINNING of time... then that alone would make no sense... since time is time, if it started somewhere, then there would be time before that... you can start tracking time after certain events... true... like when someone is born for example, you can account that as a time start... but there was time after that of course... but what about time? Was there time after time? Any answer be it "Yes" or "No", seems to make it wrong and contradictory...

If "Yes", then was was before that? And when did it begin? That "Yes" turns to "No" as that "start" was actually not the start, but a continuity... and if "No"... then that right there seems to become false, as there HAD to be something before it... no?

And what about the end? It should... technically... end... right? We probably won't be here but it is bound to... but then again, since it's "time", there would be more after it right? You figure it out...

I will not think about how it all began... as I never really thought about that but...

I can talk about paradox number two which is... space and it's limits...

Sure... the space is pretty big, and it does appear endless... but that there, that "limit" or lack of it is the paradox itself... it doesn't really make sense that the space is infinite does it? I mean... There has to be a point where it just stops right? But if it does stop... then what? Will you just hit a "wall"? And if you did, technically, there should still be something on the other side of that "wall" right?
Of course I wasn't the only one to think about this obviously... there are theories about that space issue, I read one once that supposedly, when you reach an "edge" of the universe you would loop and go back the other side and supposedly anyone present making that loop would start seeing everything in reverse, for example, you know that ambulances have "ambulance" written backwards on the front? So that when you saw it from the mirror you would read "Ambulance" regularly?
Well, these people would see everything just like that mirrored "Ambulance" text... I'll call that "mirror state" in case I need to use it again one day here...

But of course... that is a theory... and most likely was made since that space issue was one without a logical solution... so a loop does look plausible.

In case someone's interested, I read it in a book called "Introdução à teoria da relatividade"... by someone who I do not remember correctly but... I think it was vi(c)tor something or something vi(c)tor...

It was a tiny green book which was really, REALLY old, in fact, it seemed to have been written using a type-writer... but I did learn a lot from it, maybe I'll go try and find it again one day haha...

Well all these seem to have odd and contradictory solutions... unless "time" and "space" are things of an even more bizarre and strange nature that any of us had ever even began pondering about... even though I'm sure Einstein could have been close... if you read that book... holy freegin carp! That tiny equation he came up with, the famous "E=mc2" think... it explains almost EVERYTHING in the whole universe! And he did it WAY before it was even possible to imagine being able to test it and prove it, which was done decades later and that theory DID hold water... on most cases, there are some variations in which that theory didn't quite stay true... but he knew that, he made another "special" theory that would fill all gaps!

All this to say... yea... I'm pretty sure that equation also has the ability to find out what time really is and what affects it... time travel is a small example... but now it REALLY is late... so... half gift given...

Bye peopleszeszszeezssz ^^

Before going to bed...

Well, previously during the night I was reading a bit on what this "Slenderman" is, as it seems to be appearing quite frequently these past days... it is supposedly an adult figure with tentacles or something and no face, like a mannequin... (hm... is that word like that because of "man" and "kin"? As in it means it's a kind of man?.... well, doesn't matter now) and I read there that some believe in the tulpa effect, which consists more or less of multiple people believing in something's existence will eventually make it turn real, material, existing, even if it started just as an idea, and in this case, if many people believed in the Slenderman then he/it would become real... anyways since of the "XXX effect" title of that I decided to do some research, while I waited for her to come say "good night" one last time or something.... or not but I studied a bit about the doppler effect and sonic booms (and turns out I already knew what the doppler effect was, just didn't remember hahah)...

Anyway... My point is... after that I followed some links in the Slenderman's page... which led me deeper into the Internet... Most of you don't even know what I'm talking about... but there are parts of the Internet that not all of us go to... not saying this one was one of them, but was getting close...

Well, it was a site with stories supposed to be scary and all, well I do know most of them (at least most) are supposed to be just made up and for shivery effects... the first one I read was called "An egg", with the plain image of an egg... as weird and oddly funny as that was (being a supposed "horror" page) I clicked it... well it was a normal story, nothing scary actually, but it was quite fascinating and cool! In fact, I did post it on facebook... since it's late and all, not sure if many or any will see it... but certainly recommend it :)

Then I moved on to one called "Dead Bart"... which also had a picture of a zombie looking Bart Simpson... I also thought it was rather lol-worthy, and funny and all so I started reading... that's when it began... I started to not look at that image the same way as I went on reading it... and mind you, I am very strong as of these things, but I cannot lie, I did shiver a lot while reading that (and the next stories too...)... in fact, I am shivering all over my body just thinking about it... I will not recommend anyone to read those things I found there (not only those two or course), unless you have something to keep you steady... and specially not during night time...

But truth be told, I could have been more scared. Firstly because I was listening to random music from final fantasy IX (just now switched to final fantasy VIII but isn't working for some reason... ok done) and with the thought in mind that... I have her :)

True... I am strong and all but... I really did feel much better just thinking about her, that's why I read so many stories and... saw... those images... because I thought "I don't care how scary or fear inducing these things are before I go to bed... If I get any troubled thoughts I will just think of her... and that light will clear the darkness =) "... It is true that I actually thought that, and what's more, tomorrow I will be with her, so I will feel even better with her ^^

Don't think I want her to see any of that... well.... maybe apart from "An Egg" but... I wish for her to be happy and I don't want her to read, see or hear anything that could trouble her...

But if she really wanted to or something... I hope it will be in a time where I can be with her for long...

Not because I think she is weak or that she can't handle it but... I want  to be there and comfort her if she needs it, as these are no ordinary horror stories and are even much worse than those mails that tell you to send the things to hundreds of people or you would get an horrible fate...

Well yea, their nature does seem to be somewhat the same... Simply something created to be spread around the Internet, frightening and moving the reader...

Those stories are very powerful indeed and it is rare for me to say this...

Also, I would like to add that I read the ones (but not all) in the "Suggested Reading" section... in other words, to get started as they say... I'm not sure if they are the "softest", "most widely known" (well... yea, that I think they are), or simply the strongest so that you start really strong in it...

Either way... those things are masterfully crafted, they really did capture the essence of fear and uncertainty... and could make the simplest thing, even a drawing or a dog, a sight that you would rather not think about again... actually, now that I think about it, I am pretty sure that despite all, the thing that makes my body act more violently (as in shaking and stuff) was... in fact... a cartoon... more precisely the Bart one... even though it was the one who I initially "laughed" more at...

But all in all, most were easy to cope with, since you could find one or two traces that made it look like they were made up, such as very convenient evidence destructions, lack of proofs, unnecessary events, etc...

And with all that said, now it's time... I'm pretty sure today I will "need" her a bit more in my thought than usual though ehehhe :P

But I'm ok... because I have her ^^

She makes me happy ^^

... in fact... I think I will make some gifts for her ^^
Farewell waking up early tomorrow hahaha

sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

I could feel better...

First I'd like to say that the past few months I've been thinking of countless ideas to write here... needless to say, I've not written any...

But I just had to write this... I could feel better now...

Here's the story, today I went to have dinner in a friend's house, after eating we were talking and all, and then me and her mother talked a lot, about our country's education system, what did she work on, etc.

All fine and good but then I looked at the time and "oh wow.. it's already 1 AM" but we talked a bit more... then  looked at it again and "oh look... it's now 4 AM!"... so I came home... when I left I sent "her" a message.... but then I saw it  wasn't delivered... so I just ran home... so that if she would be waiting for me... I would be there and at least say sorry... I wanted to talk to her... just talk... I missed her... so I ran, because if she was waiting... I didn't want her to wait any longer... I got home... she wasn't on facebook... so I turned on msn... she was there... with her status as "away" but she was there! I was really happy but a bit fearful... Checked if she was there and called for her... she didn't reply and then she got offline... What I thought was that she was waiting for me... but fell asleep with the computer turned on... and then the battery ran out just as I got home...

Now I just want to go to bed so that this day will end and I can talk to her... so bye