sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

I could feel better...

First I'd like to say that the past few months I've been thinking of countless ideas to write here... needless to say, I've not written any...

But I just had to write this... I could feel better now...

Here's the story, today I went to have dinner in a friend's house, after eating we were talking and all, and then me and her mother talked a lot, about our country's education system, what did she work on, etc.

All fine and good but then I looked at the time and "oh wow.. it's already 1 AM" but we talked a bit more... then  looked at it again and "oh look... it's now 4 AM!"... so I came home... when I left I sent "her" a message.... but then I saw it  wasn't delivered... so I just ran home... so that if she would be waiting for me... I would be there and at least say sorry... I wanted to talk to her... just talk... I missed her... so I ran, because if she was waiting... I didn't want her to wait any longer... I got home... she wasn't on facebook... so I turned on msn... she was there... with her status as "away" but she was there! I was really happy but a bit fearful... Checked if she was there and called for her... she didn't reply and then she got offline... What I thought was that she was waiting for me... but fell asleep with the computer turned on... and then the battery ran out just as I got home...

Now I just want to go to bed so that this day will end and I can talk to her... so bye

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