segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012

FITU week... OVER!!!

FINALLY it is over! And I don't say this just because all that hard work and no sleeping has ended... I'm specially glad because now I'll have more free  time... free time for her, I finally get to spend day and night with her without worrying about having to work or something ^^

Of course there are also some advantages to it... most of all, since I worked so much I feel that I am "forgiven" by all of the caloiros and tunos... well, most at least... we worked a lot during the week and during FITU, I went to the stage to jump just by myself, it didn't work out perfectly but  it's a start, it's my first time jumping so... it wasn't that bad, and I got a lot of compliments, from her, my parents and some tunos so... yay ^^

One thing I found funny in FITU was the other caloiro's mood xD

Like for the last weeks they would just be mad and yell at everything. They were like that the whole weekend too... but as soon as our last performance ended and we went back to our dressing rooms... they start yelling and running all over the place making a huge party "WOOHOOO!!!" hahaha xD

With things like "BORA BUSCAR MILHOES DE INSTRUMENTOS!!! WOLVERINE, VAI LA CIMA BUSCAR MILHOES DE INSTRUMENTOS!!!" and all this while we had ALL OF THE INSTRUMENTS THAT TUNA HAS out of the boxes and needed to be put in them, and then moved back to our place xD

Well it was really fun... I'm glad she watched it and liked it ^^

But... it's all over now... finally... I really really missed her... and  on top of that my days had like  36 hours each! Imagine missing someone that much and not even get the chance to sleep so it would go by faster... also in the middle of the festival my cell ran out of battery so I couldn't even talk to her...

FITU was a fun experience but... I miss her...I miss her touch, her voice, her cute face, her beautiful eys, nose, mouth... her cute feet and her hair... I miss all  that for over a week now... even though I was with her last thursday, however, even that feels like it's been weeks since I was with her...

But now it's all over...I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! I wanna see her... I miss her... I... love her so much...

Cya tomorrow... my sweet little lady :)

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Updating: Life and stuff

Damn... it's been 3 weeks since I've been home!

They were tiring and specially and unpleasantly dirty... I mean, 3 weeks away from home, I started to run out of fresh clothes and also towels to clean myself with after a shower (when I had the time to take one), and lending them to people didn't help to keep clean towels as well either... specially after the "judgment" thingie where we had all sorts of weird stuff on us... well... not "weird" but unusually and specially dirty, like motor oil, pig insides and stuff... etc... you get the idea... luckily M was kind enough to borrow me 2 of her's =)

But anyway, that's all over now, and I'm not a freshman anymore either... not because of the "judgment", because of the "cortejo" which is when we go from "Caloiro" to "Novilho"... next years we'll be the party comission and stuff... and after that it's our turn to apply the torments of le praxe to the next batch of "caloiros"... that also means no more praxe for us... obviously...

It was all worth it, we learnt things that we wouldn't ever learn anywhere else! Created bondings we wouldn't with anyone else... well... you'd have to live it to understand...

This week was the week of the "Enterro da gata" which is like a week full of concerts, students getting more than wasted, no classes... well, a week of "freedom" and all kinds of weird stuff to happen...
And because of that... I got to spend the whole time with M... What I'm about to say is not really surprising, but I still am glad for it... even though we spent all that time and some times things... meh got a little "cold" maybe, I was glad that we came back too "normal" quickly and tighter than before and also that we didn't get tired of each other after all this time. I always thought these things could happen, we getting a bit colder and all... and having to spend a lot of time together non-stop... but I always also "knew" inside me "if/when it does... it won't last long... we will go back to one another" and that is what we did =)

But anyway, it was a great week, didn't go every day but it was fun =)

I went to play there with TUNA on Wednesday, I presented one of the songs and they said I did it well (yaaay ^^ Q(^_^Q)  ) and also went to jump in the middle of the stage, I did better than expected actually... I think... but my cellphone did fall in the middle of it x)
A TUNO picked it up before he started jumping though, I was wondering if it would fall again during the jumping though xD

Well anyway... M and her parents brought me home, and it was their idea to do so... it's great to have someone like her in my life and knowing that her parents like me as well ^^
That is... at the very least... a very important detail... or else things could be a bit more rough and...

I'm just glad that I met her, that I have her in my life, that she makes me this much happy and that I (hopefully...) do that for her as well...

We are now away from each other... after 2 long weeks... I can't say that bothers me much ONLY for the single reason that... I will almost certainly see her tomorrow, therefore... waiting a day to be with "something" as valuable as that? WORTH IT! I would wait a month if needed (if I didn't die before... (((from missing her that is)))), so a day is bearable, but I still can't wait =)

Wow I wrote a lot today, why don't I just go get some sleep already? Why do I only blog at such late hours? Why was there only 1 slice of pizza? Why can't I buy infinite food to yum yum at it whenever I want? Why do I need M so much?
Answering the last one, even if I don't know why I need her, I don't wanna find out why if that means she's be gone... I shall cherish her until the very end... she deserves everything... more than I can give her but... I will do my best, I really do love that girl =)



OH GOD!!!! When I went to see the blog I noticed it had no "enters" !!! It was all just a big line of text D:

Phew... good thing I could go back the page and copy what I was writing in the HTML format (yea... ass...) copy it all with the enters and stuff and pasting it here on the "normal" text writing thingie... but now it's done and 'll go sleep now, cya  ^^

Updating: N3RD stuff

Well, I have ONCE AGAIN returned to flash game making... but this time it's different, firstly, I have a strong reason to do it to the end (this current project that is), secondly, I found a place where I feel that I can REALLY learn everything from scratch and with no gaps, and so far it's going great!

I'm working on the same game for like 3 or 4 days now, the tutorial has 12 parts and I'm starting part 6 now... and so far... it's doing great!!!

Sure... I still have a lot to work and polish but... this time... I feel it... I'll get there!

Also here's what I have so far... anyone should be able to see this (ONLY IF THEY HAVE THIS LINK!), but don't try it if you don't want spoilers, this will be the last time I'll post the game's progress before it is completed, but it's going rather well so far, with the stuff I did from the tutorial, and other I just made up on my own, like the double score line (hey, I wasn't sure if it would or not... but I made it work haha! :D )

Depressing Maria (yup, it already has a name xP)

Besides all this, this is a game that will teach me a lot and take some time, but there are also a few more kinds of games that I'll try to do next, I'll be able to do a bit of everything when I do them all... and then start making up my own stuff :P

Well that's about it for this nerd stuff for now I think... on a side note, newgrounds site is way different!
But I kinda like it =)

Oh also... I don't know why but... lately the image of a 3D LEGO game from like 16 years ago has been popping in my head... and I start to wonder if I could find it and how it really is (maybe I only had the demo and that's why the game ended suddenly?) I don't know... maybe I'll look for it later =)

domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

Game Over

Praxe... it's over, just last thursday we had the final praxe... well, maybe not final but it was the last "heavy load" and it was dirty... oh yes... quite dirty... they weren't kidding when they said "bring clothes you can throw away", because we actually had to throw them all away x)

Eheheheh... sorry mom xD

Oh well... either way, now it's done so... pig guts and stuff... oh the smell.... bah x)

Now there are a few thing left... the "baptism"... and the "parade", and then we'll be freshmen no more... we will start working for the next parade, and raising funds to do it...

I went to have a coffee with my "godfather" today, and we talked a bit about it... oh well let's see how it all goes, it was a great year, we learned a lot, we suffered, we sang, we screamed, we got dirty... it was all so very much worth it...

I'm sure there will be lots of tears in the next week... when we're all in our uniforms... saying "goodbye" to the praxe and all that... oh well... it was an awesome year, now we just gotta make sure to pass this on two years from now =)

Later guys, have a nice everything

That smile

Still can't "get used to" it... That smile is just so... powerful...when I glance at her and she back at me... and I see that smile coming up just because of me I... it's like I get all paralyzed inside... it feels so good and cozy... those eyes staring... those lips smiling... it's a kind of spell that no one can create but she has it... and quite a powerful one it is... Just looking at it makes it feel like everything I've ever done was worth it, that every second of my life that I spent for her was indeed not a waste of time or energy... It's a reward for everything I could have ever been through... and actually... even more...

To me it shines brighter than any diamond... it is one of my biggest treasures, one I will cherish forever and take good care of... that single thing that no matter how things can be, it feels my heart with happiness...

Why... how... when... Why does she likes me so much... How could I make this happen and how can she love me so?... When did all this start?

I still can hardly believe it...

True... every things have an end, and not all last a lifetime, and when you're in love and all that everything seems eternal and stuff but... I don't know... I just really feel this time it isn't like that, we're not just bf/gf... we're friends... we play, we laugh... we help each other... we love each other...

So far I don't feel it like getting stale at all, even though we spend the whole time together... I can say this here, it will last!

And if it doesn't, I'll find a way for it to last =)

This is what I want in life...

That smile... it is a worthy goal in life... I earned it already... now I just have to keep it... close to my heart as it always has been... that smile... is one of the greatest things in my life =)

Festa das cruzes

Friday, day 29 if I am not mistaken, I took her with me to Barcelos, I also wanted her to know about "Festa das cruzes" which happens every year over there, it was funny to know that people think that because of that name, the "Festa" would be a bunch of old people carrying candles and going on a parade xD

Well, no. It's made with lots of attractions, mini-rollercoaster and other rides... I went with her to Kanguru and also apollo... I've tried them all before, a lot of times ever since I was little (not apollo, that only came in like a few years ago), and I was always meh, look at me jumping woohoo... but for some reason, going on those same attractions and even being older... I don't know why, but it felt so good and it was so much fun to ride them with her ^^

We then decided to go to the ferris wheel... we were the only ones there actually, we entered after a couple left and we started going round and round... well it is no secret now that we are dating, so I can now say that when we were going up, we would... ehhehe you know... but when we came back down we were like "nothing to do here" eheh.. either  way, after a few spins it appeared it was time to stop, he slowed us down when we were close to the exit but... he then looked at  us with a stare like "hehehe... I see what you did there", so we took one more spin, but he stopped us for a few moments on the top hahah, it was certainly a moment to remember ^^

Well then we bought cotton candy... I told the lady to be generous because we would eat it all x)
Which we actually didnt... haha, we went for a walk around the city, then we came back to the party once more... it was then that I saw a kit  with a cotton candy thingie almost double the one we had! 0_o
You couldn't even see his hand!! AND HERE'S PROOF!!!

And believe me... it looked much bigger in reality than in the picture 0_o
Yes the image is twisted... DON'T BE LAZY! save it and turn it or something x)

Either way, that was about it, we then went back home, she spent the night there, it felt so nice ^^

Too bad she had to leave though... but oh well, at least I got to see her the next day so not as bad as that

That's about it for my week delayed report, again... oh well x)