terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

srsly now

Well it is kinda cold but.... it's bearable at least ^^
We'll it's been a really nice week ^^
So what if it's only tuesday?!!? :(

Already won the week though xD
Anyway, in a while I'll be going to the rehearsal, we have a...n... ... a.... thingy on the weekend so we gotta practice this week, we'll see if I'll go or not thurday, it depends, we'll see...

Other than all that, I don't really know if I have plans for this week, well... I had but... since I've done them now I don't xD

OH YEAH! Awesome breakfast: Chocolate crepes with caramel ice-cream and a cup of coca-cola ^^
It gives you a feeling close to that as being kicked by chuck norris, where you feel like you are being run over by a truck from inside ^^

Well... nothing a toilet can't fixe I suppose... I love toilets... on a non literal way...
They are one of the greatest inventions of mankind... they take us close to the supreme pleasure many times... Hail thee, oh great inventor of "The Throne"... I salute you

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