sábado, 31 de março de 2012

'Tis a nice feeling ^^

It is a nice feeling when you know someone likes you, at the very least that someone appreciates you for what you are aand values you for it :)

I've been lonely for a long time in my life... and finally I don't feel like it anymore, I feel happy... I feel... loved... it's great to have friends, and even better to have great friends... but there are also those "unique" friends... meh I don't know why I started talking about this... bah the point is: it feels really really good, not being alone feels... nice to put it softly ^^

Anyway, school's over!!! =D
But I'm still gonna be around Braga untill sunday... TUNA stuff sunday... we are going to be the choir on a church it seems x)
Well it isn't my first experience on the church so... and since I've been a bit "away from service" I'll just stay and redeem myself a bit =)
Which reminds me I already kinda did, last tuesday it was a very important rehearsal, the candidates for the "Magister" role were going to present themselves, the Magister is like our president or something, and Ceguinho and I were the only "caloiros" there, I also gave an idea for a presentation to the tuno who usually presents and he really liked me and congratulated me ^^
So I feel I'm starting to redeem myself now... it's nice :)

Meh anyway, the original thing I was gonna write here is: I can't wait for the next week! ^^

I'm going to a very dear friend of mine's house and I'm gonna stay there 2 days ^^
Well, gonna stay 2 but I'll only sleep there once, arrive, do stuff, sleep, do more stuff and come back home (I think)...

I've been wanting to go there in ages! I really like the city (?) where my friend lives, and to top it off, the house is in the middle of the mountains, I LOVE the mountains! (As it's written on my first post) and the scenery around there is gorgeous! ^^
Also there are a few really special places I wanted to see there... I want to meet the dog as well ^^
Gah I just can't wait for it, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna love every second of it ^^

Untill then... just bite my nails in frustration and wait xD
(I really shouldn't though... I hate that I some times cannot controll myself.... :/ )

But hey, let's see how it all goes ^^

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