domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

About... thingies

We'll let's see, tomorrow I have to be in ARCUM by 4PM so I hope I can wake up before that x)
We're going to be the choir of a church as I believe I already mentioned, and we're gonn- HER... uhm sorry, we're gonna be there untill maybe 8 or so... gotta ask my parents if they can come and get me after that, then I can finally go back home and wait calmly for wednesday!!1 ^^

Anyway my house here in braga is a mess... garbage and used tissues everywhere... almost no "practical" food (that which you can just grab and eat) and there are things all over the place in my room... oh well x)

Anyway I don't think I have much more to write... I miss her very much but... We can only be together in a few days so... I'll just have to wait... to make matter worse I can't contact her by cellphone either.... bah.........

I miss her tight grasp around me... Her soft breathing against my skin... Her soft skin under my finger... I miss her... but... there's nothing I can do about it now... I'll just wait...

Ilhvm though... and that's for sure :)

Well have a good night everyone, there are special things in this world, but there are other that one can't even begin to describe... guess who I'm talking about ^^

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