domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

It exists on everyone...

Currently it is 7:07AM... still havent slept...

Why? I'm not sure... She's not even around here anymore so... why am I awake?
I don't know... maybe the conversation touched me so... that I've just been mindlessly thinking about it... and recalling it... My state of happinesss cannot be told or written... it is far above anything I've ever been... I... Don't even know what to do or write...

I made her believe in love... and that's a fact not a though... I knew it... I knew everyone was capable of love, I knew it!! ^^

I was so happy to know that! What has been my desire for month has finally become true!

I feel a bit more rested now... what could be gone at any time... seems that it will remain now =)

And that makes me happy... makes me feel good... because those things were the reasons why my last few weeks of living were happy... made me smile, made me glad to be alive, made me love and feel loved in return...

I always knew this day might come... but never really expected it to... is it weird? 0_o

Well... it is true now... some times even I have trouble believing it but... guess I'm gonna have to get used to it :)

Never give up on what you truly love... and always take good care of it...

No matter how impossible it may seem... never lose hope... you can do it if you try and just don't give up...

And "J."... thank you for being born... thank you for existing... thank you for always being with me... even if you're far away.... thank you for making my every day happy... thank you for everything.... thank you... thank you just for existing... <3

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