segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Write my darling, write!

Well it's a thing we have in common... we love reading each other's blogs... why? Actually, I don't really know... but I like reading about it, specially when there is something in those texts... I read a superb one a few days ago that made me... well... "happy" wouldn't even be close as to describe how I felt... and also wanted... and... loved...

"She's a special little girl with a special little heart..."* I've said it before... and I still think so!
She is the most special thing to ever have blessed my life...
Sure my life isn't THAT long but it isn't that short either... just looking at her feels like a blessing, and actually being with her is like a trip to heaven... a moment in paradise... in which I just wished time would just stop...

Meh... at least... this time I'm not alone ^^

*(Please add "precious" to "special", but it would be weird if I put those two together in the same sentence :P, but I just can't let it go without mentioning ^^ )

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