sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

The past few days...

Remember those times when I said I was going to a friend's house? How it would be fun and all, and that I wanted to meet her dog and etc? Well... those days are over... they went by so fast... but I had a really great time!

First I got off from my dad's car on the gas station (yeah my dad took me because I thought there was a bus at 10:30AM, however there were only busses by 9:30AM and then 14:30PM so... I just couldnt stand to be 4 hours without seeing her... also, we took a little bit longer to get there because the road was full of lame drivers, stupid cyclists and etc... not saying that riding a bike is stupid, but when you are with someone else, specially on the road, and specially on long straight roads, you always go in a line, one in the front and the rest behind him... and if the people who are cycling are fully equipped with cycling material one would expect them to know this better than the rest but no, 2 cyclist occupying the whole lane on the road -.-), anyway, as I was saying, I got out there and waited for her, I wrote on the bus stop's wall:

oh wait...

Hahahha, I just had to do it, after seeing all those "love you mike" "<3 forever" "call me 966666666" and etc...

But I waited there for her, then I saw her and went straight to her (duh) and when I was really close to her I read her message: "no hug"... I was like "ggggggggggggggg.......................OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD DAMMIT!" xD
But oh well... there would be time for it either way xD

Anyway we started walking towards her house, we passed through an abandoned house and through some woods, we were finally home.

When we got there, Lee, her bitch (I use thee term "bitch" to refer to a female dog, nothing ofensive, on the contrary, I love that bitch ^^) started running towards her and even though I've never see her before (in real life) she jumped towards me like I was an owner who left for a week or so, she came and then threw herself on the floor with her belly up for us to scratch her, it was really funny when I moved away a bit, called her, and she would just twist her head to the side, and drag herself with her front paws while still being belly-side up xD

It was also funny because during my stay it almost seemed like she liked me most than she liked her owner hahaha xD

And also how when we were eating, my friend would give her a piece of meat, Lee would reject it, then I would give her a piece of meat and she would eat it all gladly xD
After which my friend would call her "PIG!" or "COW!" which was actually quite funny xD

Well on the first day me and her went out to two of her friend's houses to borrow a couple of bikes, after that we went riding on the eco-way and see the scenery... it was really beautiful and we went to amazing places! I loved being there near the river with her, throwing stones... taking pictures... looking at her cute red toe-nails haha ^^

We made a few kilometres actually, and then we could barely stand up because of that xD
We weren't used to riding the bike in a few years so... yeah... when we were heading back I grabbed her camera and started taking pictures one handed while we were riding, now here's the thing, her camera takes 2 pictures in a row each time you press the button, and there's a moment when you see a picture of her riding and after that a picture of the trees all blurred out... why? Because I nearly fell because of that haha

We then went exploring and found a rather hidden place where there was a boat in the middle of the river, we got inside, took some pictures and just lied there... it was a nice moment... but then we came back, returned one of the bikes and headed home, filmed a funny video before getting there though x)

And that was about it for the first day... we just spent the rest of the time in the PC or something, watching movies and such...

After that there is not much to tell, PC almost all the time the next 2 days, but we did turn on the piano, and I played some of the songs I've half-learned so far there xP
Well I think she liked it though x)

And speaking of liking, I think her parents liked me as well x)
... yay xD

Well I am home now, I really loved every single day of those :)
Her company is really good ^^ it makes me feel happy and confortable ^^

I'm gonna miss those times though but... I'm sure they will happen again sooner or later =)

That's about it, I'm going to bed now, she's gone so I will too :P

I'll never forget these days, I promise ^^

mlu... vm ^^

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