sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Should have been written a long time ago...

A few days ago I had a thought about what to write here, I didn't get to it because when I woke up my brother was using the computer so I though I would just leave him at that and do something else.

Anyway, what I wanted to write isn't something I feel as much now... maybe because I'm starting to get used to it? I don't know... anyway, I'll write as if it was then

Title: She really does love me!

I still can hardly believe it, how can someone love me this much for no apparent reason? Can she love me even more than what I ever loved her? Even though everything that happened in the past and things that were said? I just... don't know, it doesn't make much sense to me...
What is it that there's in me that makes her love me this much... appreciate me this much... value me this much... well... of course I always did try to care for her the best I could... I've always loved her with all my heart and did everything I ever could for her but...
It still seems unbelievable the fact that she does! Not for any bad reason though... just... you know... one of those "too good to be true" things.
But I never would have expected this much devotion from someone towards me... specially not from her... am I worth it? Do I deserve her?

Don't get me wrong, all this text was not to complain, nor to say there is something bad... it's just that... this is such a wonderful thing and so unbelievably good that... I don't know... I guess I'm just not used to it x)

Think I'll end this at here for now...

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