sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

Oh yeah...

I forgot to mention that today I had an awesome message on the top of my youtube page... it said:
"Congratulations! Your account has now been activated for submissions with over 15 minutes of length."

Which means... yay! I don't have to worry about making videos with less that 15 minutes anymore ^^
Apart from that game-making thing I was doing I forgot that I had once made a few "Let's play" videos on youtube, a guy commented on one of them saying it was great and that he'd keep watching.. well after reading that, I decided to continue the series afters months, and so I did, I also re-uploaded my videos because the first 2 parts would freeze a lot and the image would all be messed up!

If you're interested I'll put the videos here and you can watch them (the re-uploaded versions of course)

This is the intro of the game, I made it separate from the first part because the video exceeded 15 minutes... and it wouldn't let me publish it...

This is the beginning of the game and the basics and all that... I'm still a bit mike-shy as you can see x)

Second part, the continuation of the first... clearly

And this is the last part I've made (so far...)... I think I messed up in the middle...

And that's it! If you wanna see the rest from here out, follow me on youtube and check there some times ;)

Hope I'll keep it up this time... cheers!


Today for a few hours... I wasn't myself... I don't know why... I was angry... revolted at many things.... that is NOT the me I know AT ALL!...

Sure... the game I wanted to play with my brother wasn't working... the Internet was failing... I couldn't go to the living room where the playstation is because my dad had lots of people coming to see him and more kept coming... and I was the one who had to go answer the doorbell...

Then we had to go to my grandma's place and my mother started yelling and all that... about all those little things that apart from making me who I am and others that have NO importance at all... I don't know what gotten into me... I still don't think it was any of that that made me feel that way... well, sure, I hate when my family starts yelling at me about things that I disagree on, like my appearance or something... so what if I want to let my hair grow? I don't like it... no... but I am above that, that's not what concerns me...

Apart from that... maybe the reason is that I miss her... It's the only difference in my life that I can think about...

Anyway we went to my grandma's... When I got inside I noticed I didn't have one of my cellphones with me (the one with the 91 on it if you wanna know) so back outside to get it, I figured it fell out of my pocket into the car seat... the car was locked but since I was in such a weird state and it wasn't all that bad outside I thought "meh... maybe I'll go have a walk during the night..." so I went on along the dark road... on the village you don't have much light... one street light once in a while... and maybe a car that occasionally passes by... and there I was... walking along... not knowing what to think, feel or even do... went around the village... thinking how one day if I could... maybe... bring her along in our bikes... passing through a field I once discovered while riding my bike... it looks hidden and even in the middle of all those houses... you pretty much only see a field and flowers... I love it there... but I didn't go there because I thought it was too far... funny thing is, in the end I decided to pass by it... but just before that... I leaned against a wall and just stood there for a minute or two... I can't even say if I was thinking or simply existing... I did think about writing this I'm writing now... and how I think so many  times "I should write this and that on the blog" and 99% of the times I don't... either way... I went around the other side to go back to my grandmother's place... that village is the place of my childhood and it was rather nice to see it again...

When I got back I wasn't much better than I was but... I decided to go and be with Ninja a bit (my grandma's dog), he's a small  black and white dog, always full of energy and always shaking with excitement when he sees someone... I went there and he was, of course, almost strangling himself to just come closer to me, I went there and crouched, put my hand on his head and he held himself up by putting his paws on my other hand... I don't know... there's something about that dog... how he's so full of energy and when you're close he's just so happy and well just for you to be there... and you really feel it... I've never sensed such emotions on any dog or animal... his affection and his happiness... the face he makes when you touch him... I don't know...

But from that point on, and I only stood there no more than 15 seconds... I was instantly happy again!

It was strange... but I did!

I went back him and everyone asked where I was (aka, my mom), I didn't say anything but soon enough my aunt Paula (which I've gained a lot more liking today) (or maybe it was my godmother? doesn't really matter now) said "he went to see the village right?" "yup, something like that".

Well, after dinner, and as expected, my mom started criticizing me and stuff, about all I said before, hair and all that... but my aunt defended me, it was strange... I mean strange as in... usually criticizing me is easy and all, but never had I seen someone defend me or at least talk for me...

She said that each one has it's own styles and all that... and all of a sudden all the pressure was relieved from me...

Well after that we were all sharing stories and things we did way back then... maybe I'll tell some later...

Then we told jokes to one another...

It was nice... actually nice... I think it was the first time I actually liked a familiar event... maybe because I wasn't in the "kids" table today nor did I go and play with them and stuff? Don't know... just know that it was nice =)

And I found out... well I think I already had an idea but... that there is someone very close to me who's great at drawing! And I mean it ^^

Plus I can feel it in her that she really likes arts and stuff like that... it kinda fits her, and she's talented to it =)

That's all I have to say... just two more days hopefully...

I'm tired... from the inside and the outside... I need to be with her... it's been too long... maybe that's what's been messing me up...

M...?... Please tell me we'll be together soon :)

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012


Don't feel like writing much... not in a bad mood or anything...

In a way, wish I could have been with her today... even though it was my fault that we weren't but... on the other hand... maybe it wasn't that bad that we weren't together... well sure, I didn't like it but maybe this way we'll be a bit better if we can't stay together for longer...

Well that's about it, but I can't wait to be with her though ^^

Even if it's just to go on a walk... teehee, ily ^^

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

3 Months...

It's been 3 months since a certain thing became official... It started well... it went on well... and it still seems to be doing great...

I've found a girlfriend that I am certain that if I were to lose her by any chance... and get another in the future, I would always remember her dearly... always miss her... why? Because she is so perfect... she is beautiful, she has a great personality... she is funny... she loves animals... I... I never would have dreamed of ever having someone as precious as her in my life... not even as a friend... she is like an angel coming straight into my life... I still pray for us both to be happy and for a long time... which... I'm sure we'll be :)

I will never let her go no matter what happens! No matter what she does... no matter what people say.... no matter what I do... she is a constant in my life that I wish to maintain!

I would write a lot more... but with this computer... if this wasn't important to me, I wouldn't even start writing this!
This computer is just too horribly slow while typing and "eats" half of the letters...

But then again, I would do anything for this girl... this angel whose wings one cannot see, but that we can see soaring high upon the sky...
My heart belongs to you and only you M... don't you ever forget that, I'll always love you...

I know you don't like Bon Jovi... but this song... these lyrics are all I feel...

Have a nice day tomorrow... 3 months of many more to come, and I can't wait to live them with you =)

I love you so very much... sleep well my angel, and have sweet dreams ^^

segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012

I pray... I really do...

Meh, since pretty much nobody reads this anyway here it goes...
Sure, usually when I was at home, before I went to bed I always prayed... don't really know why, never really thought hard about does He or something exist or not... does praying do any good, bad or nothing at all... but the thing is, I always did it... well, at least from a few years  until now...

But I never really prayed for stuff like "oh God, let me pass the exam please!", "God, I really want that t-shirt but  my mom doesn't want to give it to me, please make it happen" or any kind of selfish stuff like that... in fact... I hardly ever prayed for anything that could be good for me... all I always "said"  was "thank you for everything you've given me and make  everyone happy and well"... and that's usually what I always said... but ever since... I don't know... 3... 4... or more months I've also been praying for something else... thanking for something to have entered my life and asking for it to stay until the end of time, no matter what would happen that "thing" would never be far from me, and I also always pledge the oath that I would do anything in my power to make that person happy and give her all that she needs...

I still do pray that, both of the things... the first is a general thing of course, but the second is as if I was really asking him face-to-face to grant that...

That's pretty much what I had to say... gtg pray in a while if ya know what I mean... meh... I've been going to bed really  late these days....

Also, I want a dog :/

domingo, 17 de junho de 2012


I have the most awesome girlfriend ever, period! xD

No wait... not that... ew! D:

What's wrong with me...

Why is it that when I have to work I just get... stuck... paralyzed... Today... like an hour ago or so... I had to do some work for an English assignment... I just froze there... staring blankly at the screen for god knows how long... I don't know why, it's not like I was procrastinating or something, I could be playing a game or something but I wasn't! I knew I had to work, and this time I really meant to do it... so I just froze there... why?... what the hell is wrong with me?! How can I change this? SHOULD I change this?

Bah... I always wished school evaluations varied depending on the student... I can do stuff... I know stuff... I can comprehend nearly everything with little effort... but I was never a good student... because I never did any homework, because I didn't deliver my works, because I didn't do this or that bla bla bla... I always felt it was a bit unfair... it's not like I didn't care... but I just couldn't do stuff at home, I wouldn't mind at all to have special evaluations or tests from my teachers or something, WITH THEM IN SCHOOL! Because it is known that it's almost impossible for me to work at home... because of all that, my grades was always crappy... well, except on one or two subjects, either because the teacher would understand me a bit, or because there were no works, or because they were subjects where I would just be great at, such as English, gym, etc... but I don't say this just for me, I think that every student should have a slightly different evaluation depending on how they are... after all, what's more important? The final result? The product that's made or the things that were learned? Or that a person did that by following a certain path?
It's just stupid... who cares if you get a result of 45 by doing (40 + 5), or (50 - 5) or (2 x 10 + 5^2)!? YOU STILL GET THE NUMBER 45!!! The goal in everyone's life is to reach a goal, school's aim is to make kids ready for their future jobs, supposedly at least... so who cares how they do it if they get the correct result?!
Sure, no one expects them to just magically know everything on their own, teach them the formulas and all that crap, but if they find a way of their own and it equals the result that the equation represented... meh, those things should even be encouraged! Thinking outside the box, being creative, solving problems on one's own... where is all that? Nowadays we're all robots, at least they expect us to be, we have to do everything as they have visualized or else we fail... what the hell is up with that?

And sure, math is one of those issues that I mentioned above, but another thing worse is literature, when they ask us to guess what some dead author meant when he wrote some random thing on his poem - AND NO! I'M NOT SAYING THIS BECAUSE IT'S ALL OVER 9GAG NOW! - what's worse, it might not even be what the poet wrote, but what the teacher thinks the poet wrote, and we have to guess what the teacher thought he meant... god dammit... some things in school are just so wrong... I know... I understand that teachers have a lot of work and all that but come on... they are only favoring one of the types of students, which are those that work at home and all that crap... if there's a student that excels at sports, if there's one that can simply solve any kind of problem that's shown in front of him, if there's a student who can simply feel the things and choose wisely, if there's a student that can analyze something he's never seen and solve it... well, none of those is going to have much luck with this education scheme... in fact, I heard that the gym classes are gonna stop counting to the calculations of a student's average grades! So if someone's good at sports but not so much at the rest... THEY FAIL AND HAVE TO END UP WITH A LOUSY JOB BECAUSE NO UNIVERSITY WOULD TAKE THEM!

And grades were also something that pissed me off... a lot... people should be more (or less) than that, grades are a label, and it's wrong to label people, so why do they do it?
People should be considered for how they are as a person and how they actually perform certain tasks... just because you had a 18/20 doesn't always mean you can do it! And vice versa... just because you had a bad grade doesn't mean you can't work on that area, it just means you weren't evaluated positively... for example, I've seen a lot of people with like, 18 out of 20 in the English class, oh yeah pretty nice and all, but you couldn't have a conversation with them, they wouldn't understand and couldn't speak back to you, and that's where all of what I said above also becomes true, it's because they did work at home and crappy things like that, if it's "fair" to penalize those who know because they didn't work, is it also "fair" to uprise those who know nothing just because they did things like "My favorite food is bacon but I also like cheese a lot" which was the homework the teacher sent? Is it fair that those who don't know get the best chances in life just because of that and then won't even do a decent job?

Grades are not quality... the quality is inside each one, and that quality should be seeked, checked, tested, put to proof, be found out for what the person is and what the person can do, for her ability and not for her making things once in a while because someone said so or else they would fail...

And it's never even important work that we have to do either... it's always silly things like "My pet cat" or "my dream holiday" or something like "when I grow up I want to be..."... why should that be so important in our lives? Or our school evaluation? Why is it that when we know all kinds of different equations and formulas, square and cubic roots, functions, graphics that when tend to infinity equal zero and all that, and then we get a subject that's like an introduction at math, and they start by learning summation, they are going to fail us because we didn't do our exercise sheet that was sent home that consisted in:

" 2 + 2 = _;
  1 + 0 = _;

It's ok if you don't do this one student's, it's very very hard! :)

45 + 88 = ___."

And they the teacher comes and says stuff like "sorry but I can't pass you, you didn't do your homework..."

Like.... WTF! What I just gave was a comparison example... and that also happens a lot... imagine a student knows stuff before being in a certain subject... of course he might be bored and not feel the need to do the exercises because they are level 1 when he's like level 37 already? That is another thing to notice... Why isn't the teaching more accurate and precise according to the student?

I don't care about the grids or the evaluation system or any of that crap... teachers should have a conscience for themselves and know what's best...

I just looked in front of me and... OH SHIT! IT'S THE SUN!

In other words... I better go to bed...

I've never written so much though... I guess that's because this is the subject that always bothered me the most... angered me... I don't know... it's so unfair... and I don't say this for me... I say this for all kids and people in the world...

Well tomorrow is back to Braga and then it's the last week of classes! yay :)

Last week I know I'll spend with her too... bah... well... I hope we can still meet up and spend a few days together in the holidays =)
I love that girl more than anything and... maybe that's why I actually did work this time... don't know if it was enough but...
And... I miss her :/
I wish she was here now... or me there... anyway... I won't think too much about it... I'll see her tomorrow won't I? :)

Then I'll be happy again ^^

She makes me happy... it's good to love and be loved... I still stand with the idea that I never want to lose her, for whatever reason! I love her more than anything and... I've never met someone so perfect for me... she's just like me in so many ways... and the opposite on one or two but... it's those two that I need to improve on, and she'll also help me achieve that... I have the perfect girlfriend that's not just my perfect match... it's my helper... my best friend... my everything...

And here I thought this would be the first topic without talking about her... ehehe, seems like I was wrong once again.

But now it really is late (or early) so I'm really going.

Cya          ,(^_^)/

sábado, 16 de junho de 2012

One week till the end...

Well... it's really late now and my eyes are burning but let's see what's there to say...

Classes are almost over, one week from now in fact... I didn't even notice it coming! This year... my whole life went on so slow but... when I looked around, such a long time had already passed... it's weird...

I learned a lot this year, gained things that never in my life would I have gained.. the biggest and most precious of all is... well ya know, her...

Things have seen better days but... I don't think it's right for me to be thinking that much about it... of course the least thing that I want in the world is losing her! But... it's normal that everything has it's ups and downs... and it's not like we're upset or anything, just sorting our lives =)

Now we will have the big vacations... wonder how it will go... there are so many places I want to take her, so many things I want to do... maybe I won't do many of them, also because I can't drive yet but... it would be fine =)

Oh and my computer has stopped being a crap while typing!... And apparently it did so magically... I have no idea how  it suddenly got fixed  0_o

I just ran the anti-virus program but so far it hasn't encountered anything so... I dunno ¯\(°_o)/¯

Well that's about it for now...

And remember  that you will always have a home inside of my heart, you are not, and never were, any less to me in any way =)

Sorry for my weirdness though ^^

ly <3

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

Weekend almost over! D:

I had a great "weekend", from Wednesday onward... I went to her house and spent there 2 days, it was really nice ^^

I wrote some of the things already here, but another cute thing that happened was when we were walking around the mountains, we went to one of those parks up there, and there was some large steps and a few wall of the size of 2 or 3 steps... of course, any person or medium/large dog have no  trouble going up through there, butt the puppy was very small and could hardly go up a step hehehe... So we decided that she would go up that little wall with Lee (the large dog) and see how he would react... and so we did... the puppy started to look around, trying to hop and see from above but soon enough he started yelping (that's like doggie cries that we all know), then he turned at me (I was behind him) he started yelping at me and then suddenly, he lifted himself with his back paws and lifted his front ones towards me, arching down as if saying "oh please put me up there ;_;" it waas so incredibly cute!!! ^^ teehhee ehehheheheh *.*



hahah xD

oh well fun times x)


Uhm sorry, just came into my mind, ANYWAY!
Meh... the idea was for me to go with my parents and uncles to Ponte de Lima, then they would  leave me at her house and when they were finished walking around they would get us and take us to Braga... But now they don't know if they are going at all to Ptl... it depends on the weather they say... if it is raining we might not go :/
I hope it's sunny tomorrow... even though we are gonna be back together in Braga I wanted to be with her tomorrow whenever I could... it would be so nice to spend the day together and then go with her to Braga... I love her so much, I miss her so much even though I've seen her  just little hours ago...

eheh... funny... usually people get tired of things after a while, everything is fun and cool when something starts, the first few days are awesome and all that, but then we start to get tired... and yup, I suffer from that a lot, be it guitar, gaming, programming... whatever, I do it a lot and dedicate myself to it but after a week... it starts fading... but not this... relationship... I never felt it fading... sure there were times when I felt a bit uneasy, thinking that I might have messed up on something or anything like that...

That is one of my biggest fears... messing up and losing it... the thing that I cherish the most in my whole life... I shudder every time I hear the word "break up"... even if it's only joking... :/

But meh... I don't wanna think about it, and I'm still confident that it wont... at least not in the next decades hehehe :P

That would be great... and the way things have been going I think that is almost a certain thing that will happen... I will love her for all time that I am given, and that is a promise! :)

Eheheh... I took so long to write this... maybe half an hour or more? No... definitely more, but oh well =)

I love her so much, she's everything to me ^^

And she is perfect... her face, body, personality, sense of humor... everything ^^
She's so cute and sweet... She can make my heart melt many times in a day... with just small little things... You guys have no idea how much she means to me and the value she has!

This is not an exaggeration or those things that people in love say just because they are in love, no, this is real, I really do feel all this, and if I wasn't in this relationship my mind wouldn't be any different... just maybe not as happy every day eheheh... but close if I still had her like this =)

Value what you have... one day... you will get a treasure like none other... I have found mine... I want to keep it until I move on from this world... even if she is gone before me, she will always be by my side...

M... ilyvmwamh ^^

Stuff and all... game-wise

First of all... about that game... I still haven't continued it's development... however I've had tons of new ideas and suggestions and made a phew graphical changes, mostly for 2 reasons:

1) I removed my "friend's" face which brings a few advantages:
    1.1) I can put it freely on the Internet without compromising her privacy and all that
    1.2) The file size drops immensely! From like 2MB to 80kb... that's good performance-wise...
    1.3) Gives some originality to the game and maybe a future character for my games? :P
2) Yea... I was gonna talk about the file size but it's already up there so... meh, the file size.

Some of the ideas include some types of possible upgrades, levels, which menus should I create etc etc...

But now I'm looking for the music of the game, I'm trying to find a (preferably) short loop of an indie source of some kind, looking at newgrounds audio portal, that way I get a "fresh" new and original music to my game and give the opportunity to someone else to have their work around the Internet :)
The game is pretty much on stand-by until I find the right music to put in it... so I don't really know when I'll make any major update.

sábado, 9 de junho de 2012


Well, isto era pra ter ficado  tudo giro e tal mas as usual o blogger nao curte o meu HTML... oh well

sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012

Siamese dogs

WTF moment of yesterday, we were outside of her house when we suddenly heard a lot of noise coming from the dog's house, a lot were barking and some were yelping in pain, we went there to see what was wrong... and we saw 2 of them with their butts pressed together... and they wouldn't move from one another in a long time, so we concluded... they're stuck by their genitalia... lol... should have been a bit painful but oh well... it seems to be a natural thing so we went back home with her father, who takes care of the dogs, if he says they'll be ok then we went in as well...

But the best part was, we went there in the middle of the night to see if they were still connected... they weren't but there was another dog in the place of the previous... therefore the "bitch" got stuck (at least) twice in the same day xD

And that's about it for now, have to leave, cya ^^

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

So darn cute! ^^

I can never get used to it, she's so darn cute!!! ^^

I almost can't stand being near to her while she's playing with a little puppy, she's so sweet ^^

I love how she speaks with that low, sweet and soft voice when she talks to the puppy ^^

Oh yeah, the puppy being there doesn't help to the cuteness either xP
So small and sloppy hahaha :P

Ehehehe words can't describe this, it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen ^^

Back to the real world now, cya =)

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

About blogging here and stuff...

Well I know I haven't been doing it much lately, writing that is... but I've been rather busy these days and... I don't know why, even when I technically could write it just doesn't feel right... I mean, it doesn't feel like the time to do it, I do think about what to write a lot though... not just because a certain special someone asks me to, I really do think about some things that have been going on and all...

Also I've been thinking about adding a certain something to my future posts, I could elaborate a bit on it now but... don't want to spend too much time now...

You'll see soon enough though...


uhm... lol...

Anyway, it's been nice these days, life has changed a lot... not only mine but... I still feel it quite stable which is really nice =)

Have you ever had something that you just wished that it would "never" end? Well I do have... now more that ever... all my life I expected... waited... dreamed... for something... never had I imagined that it would be something like... this.... such perfection... something so... different yet so incredibly appealing...
She truly is one of a kind, I already felt like the worlds happiest man just for being her close friend... but having her like this is just so...

Well let's just say I dreamed a lot ok? And we all know that when we dream... we tend to exaggerate reality and make things way better than they really are or will/should be... but believe me when I say this... no dream has ever gotten close to the reality I live in now... I guess... there is something or someone out there for all of us... it will find you... if you have faith and wait... don't rush anything... it will just appear...

Good luck believing in it though, I still hardly can =)

Well bed time now so... cya ^^

Hey look! It's late as hell 0_o (for the day of the week ehehehe...)

Cya ,(^_^)/