segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012

I pray... I really do...

Meh, since pretty much nobody reads this anyway here it goes...
Sure, usually when I was at home, before I went to bed I always prayed... don't really know why, never really thought hard about does He or something exist or not... does praying do any good, bad or nothing at all... but the thing is, I always did it... well, at least from a few years  until now...

But I never really prayed for stuff like "oh God, let me pass the exam please!", "God, I really want that t-shirt but  my mom doesn't want to give it to me, please make it happen" or any kind of selfish stuff like that... in fact... I hardly ever prayed for anything that could be good for me... all I always "said"  was "thank you for everything you've given me and make  everyone happy and well"... and that's usually what I always said... but ever since... I don't know... 3... 4... or more months I've also been praying for something else... thanking for something to have entered my life and asking for it to stay until the end of time, no matter what would happen that "thing" would never be far from me, and I also always pledge the oath that I would do anything in my power to make that person happy and give her all that she needs...

I still do pray that, both of the things... the first is a general thing of course, but the second is as if I was really asking him face-to-face to grant that...

That's pretty much what I had to say... gtg pray in a while if ya know what I mean... meh... I've been going to bed really  late these days....

Also, I want a dog :/

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