sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

Finally some rest :P

This week was rather tough... didn't sleep all that much and worked out a lot, anyway it was a good week, with a lot of nice things in it =)

But aside from all that, today was also a good day, I went to my band's rehearsal, I didn't go in like... a year or more, so it was fun and they made awesome new songs =D

I think we really do have a future... Carlinho's solos are simply amazing... and he does them even if it is on the spot so... we just need to practice and push foward! :P

There is not much more to talk about, life's going well, and I hope it doesn't change much in the near future =)

I've done a lot of new things, amazing things, things that I though I would never do... with amazing people and all that... It's a bit scary to think that some may change in the future... I don't want that... but meh, less negative thoughts, everything's gonna be ok :)

Also because it still is :)

So untill something happens, there is no reason to worry ;D

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd I'm an ass...

Why? Because I'm tired as hell, it's 2AM, I gotta wake up at 8:30, my whole body hurts, and I will wake up at 8:30 because I want to and not because I need to... why? Because I want to that's why, but instead of going to bed like a normal person... I just started wandering around tumblr and stuff... and now... I'm gonna try to sleep, and I hope I have enough battery on my DS for it to wake me up, and my cellphone to talk to... well... pretty much 1 person but... well, I really "need" it for 1 x)
But of course, I might talk to others, just not expecting it... well... cya then, let's see if I can sleep enough =)

Who am I kidding...

Of course that "little world" of mine didn't leave! How could I even think that? The only difference was what I actually did physically... not mentally... even though I went out more times and all and had fun, there was always something that came back to my mind... couldn't stop thinking... even when I knew that there was almost no way, no chance and that it was even inconvenient for me to do so, I always kept checking my cellphone to see if there was something, anything!

Cannot stop thinking about her... cannot give up from her... I'd to anything for her and I would give away everything just to take care of her, and I wouldn't regret doing that at all!

She means so much... she IS so much... she deserves WAY more that I can give her but... I will do my best... I will give whatever I can and if I have nothing to give then I shall be there for whatever is needed... not because I feel like I must... but because I want to... and to "me" I really do must do it... this last part was confusing... it's not that I HAVE to do it... I will not die from that... but I just can't NOT do it, and if I don't, I really will die... maybe not physically... but I will, I want to take care of her because she deserves it, and because I'm happy in doing so...

I know all I've written lately is about a "she" or a "her", and even if the topic wasn't about that, there was always half a dozen lines dedicated to her... but what can I do? What can you write about other than the only thing that is in your mind? Well... you can say what did happen during the day... which is what I've been trying to do... but if I start to talk about thoughts or anything... there she is again... I'm not complaining, I love thinking about her... and even though I think about her all day, even if it may be a bit excessive, I like doing it... my heart feels good when I do...

True... some times I start daydreaming... but meh, usually it's no biggie... maybe I get scolded now and then but oh well, nothing serious :)

So much to say... so little words... most people can understand all this with that little 4-lettered word... but there is always something our hearts want to cry out... some things can be told, others can... but shouldn't... and other are simply just impossible to explain...

I don't know what the future will bring me, bring her or even bring us... but if she'll be happy then I'll be as well... if she'll be happy with me then I will be even happier =)

There are some things in life that you wouldn't give away no matter what... I've just found one of them, don't know if I'll ever find more but... if there was a top 10 or something in my life with all that's important... she would definitely be #1... and that wouldn't be saying enough...

A day without food would be easier than a day without her...

But hey people, don't think I'm gonna freak out or something... I'm just happy because I found the most wonderful thing in the world and I want to treasure it more than anything else =)

Because she is my biggest treasure...

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012


Well what can I say... after this tiring weekend I finally started having classes monday, presentations mostly... after which we had praxe, well I kinda though it would be tougher, still something manageable of course, but harsher, which really wasn't...

Today I didn't have classes because of a reason I really don't know what it is, some kind of... uhm... tolerance or something like that... and anyway, I had praxe today as well, it was rather funny, the one today and yesterday, we mostly played and stuff, and talked with our superiors and all about random things... games... etc... we were few but, doesn't matter, it hasn't really started anyway, a lot of the people are only coming tomorrow, and they know that so it shouldn't matter much...

Then I had a rehearsal with tuna... only a few came once again, but this time because of a massive hangover that I bet all the others had x)

It was fun, we played a game called "throwing of the wolverine" (that's me), which consisted in putting me in a shopping cart and throwing me hard on that narrow hallway we have there xD

It was fun to see the faces of the ones who were supposed to catch me like "OH SHIT!!! IT'S COMING SO FAST!!! D:" ahahhahahah xD

Well then we really had the rehearsal, it was a different one and this time we did it while sitting down, we all laughed, singed, etc etc etc... good times basically x)

It was kinda good to come out, lately I've been stuck in my own little word... you know which "world" I'm talking about, if you don't... well... don't worry about it, if you're not related, probably you don't "need" to know :P

But I have been coming a little out of that world... of course... I like her no less, and her value and all that hasn't dropped at all, but I am starting to feel a bit more free with myself, and happy as I have been all this time =)
Luckily, tomorrow I'll see her again ^^
I don't know how long will it be untill... uhm... I don't know xD
But either way, I'll wait ^^

And tomorrow finally we have the course dinner :D
It'll probably be fun, and it will have PIZZA! :D ^^ :P :')
Then I don't know where we'll go... if UPS or BA... I'd rather BA... because I don't pay entrance x)
And neither do my friends so...

Well, that's about it, I'm happy, I hope she is as well, you (the reader) and balskndasdjkasldjbasldjh

Take care y'all ^^

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

TUNA - Everything went better than expected... (1)

well, I don't even know what to say, it was a long long week end...

Well, first I went to our HQ to meet up with som of the guys so we would go to the house wheere we would stay, all the instruments had already been taken so we didn't have much work that time... we waited around, talked and stuff, people started to freakout with my new cell phone with an even bigger antenna and started to tell me to put TV on xD

Oh well, funny stuff, anyway then we went to the house which was in Vieira do Minho, on the middle of the mountains and all that... all the week end the temperature was so freezing that you could feel it slicing your face... even inside the house, specially the bedrooms...

Well we had a fireplace there, but mostly it was used only by our TUNOS, doesn't really make a difference though, we worked almost all the time so it isn't that bothersome... washing dishes, preparing things for them to eat, etc etc etc.

I'll say this already, the food was AMAZING! everything Brito makes is really good! He's a tuno as well, but damn... so tasty...

The first night (early in the night) we were told to go get firewood and so me and another guy went with the wheelbarrow to get a piece of a tree trunk... it was pitch black out there, we had to carry a lantern, even with the light coming from inside the house we almost couldn't see a thing.
We got it in the cart and brought it back, then it was time for our tunos to have fun... CHOPPING WOOD!
Man... did we laugh with that xD
I can't really describe it but... it was really funny, specially when a certain tuno... instead of breaking the log, he broke the axe in half xD

Luckily we had 2 axes!

Anyway, after some time some of our freshman heroes decided to go and bring a whole tree trunk into the house!

Conclusion? They failed and got lots of bruises xD

After all that... we had some... tasks for that night, "praxe" as we call it... we've been hearing from everyone how the "retiro tunae" was one of the hardest things for a freshman and that they did really horrible stuff so we had no idea what to expect...

We went out there, with some tunos, they talked and all... and what was the first task? To gather "faulha", those thingies from the pine trees that get brown when the fall and stuff... we used that to make a fire, then we gathered firewood.

When we were out there... and I looked at the sky... there were so many shining stars that I couldn't stop wishing to be under that sky with her... just the two of us of course... that would have been so cute... I hope I will someday, I want to take her to somewhere special =)
And no... I couldn't stop thinking about her the whole week end... even with all that stuff going on and all... meh, kinda tough but hey... at least it was only 3 days =)

Our next task... was to... gather pines... 2 pines for each guy... the only difficulty there was that there was no light... apart from the fire we made and some lighters, we did get them all, we had to divide in groups, and one had to stay to make sure the fire didn't die out and to keep them filled with their beer needs.

After that... get moss, a big piece of moss for everyone to carry at the same time... we gathered a lot of big pieces and put all our hands together and brought it back... then they talked... we talked about what that was to us and all, we talked about how things were in our group etc etc etc...

We got back at around 6 or so in the morning... and soon enough we went sleeping... some guys told us to put our alarms to 10AM... but good news came when they said "dude, they said to get up at 1PM to prepare lunch" OH YEAH! SLEEPING 6 HOURS!!!

When the last of the freshmen came into the room, they started talking at each other and saying the usual nonsenses... we all laughed a lot xD
But when everyone was finally quiet and ready to sleep... a guy starts having hickups! I don't even know how long I laughed because of that xD

Anyway, that was the first day... more to come soon :P

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

Hey again!

So vacations are almost over... classes start next monday, day 20 that is, and yet I think I've spent more time on my house in Braga than here in Barcelos but oh well... actually I was there from sunday untill yesterday, I had a Linguística exam monday morning so it was best if I sleeped there the night before... well, the exam did go well, now I just have to wait untill I know exactly which grade I got... if I don't pass I get a punishment! Which is basically, wearing only those shorts about the size of some boxers, and wearing red wristbands and a headband, and then go running around the park there in Braga... that oughtta be funneh! xD

But anyway, we have to wait and see...

Valentine's day... the day itself never meant anything special to me actually... it's just a day in which either you do nothing, or someone scolds you if you don't... usually...

I don't give that much importance to the days themselves and I don't think that not doing something for someone on that day should be a reason for conflict... of course it's always cute and all to do something for that someone... but if it isn't made why should someone care?

Either way, I spent a really good day that day, not because of the day but because of what I did on that day... and if we agree that the day ends at midnight, then I also had a good day the day after...

Anyway, I'm almost heading back to braga, tomorrow, for that thingie with the tuna... hope it all goes well and I don't have to break any of my bones =)

I now know that I will be back at around lunch time or something like that, when I get here I'll probably just take a bath and go sleep the rest of the afternoon... because quite honestly, I think that will be the only time I'll be able to rest at ease x)

And after that we'll see what will happen... at least I don't have classes in the morning so... yay ^^

That's about it for today, have a nice one ok? ;)

sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012


Let's see... so, two days ago I finally came back home, I had been gone for like two weeks and a half... My room over "there" was getting a mess, dirty clothes all over the place, the bed sheets were also a mess (they were there longer than me as well) and well... money was also being spent there so... it's good to finally be back home, and not me alone all the time.

True... I still spend most of my time here in my room and hardly ever see anyone but... at least I have my kitty and I know that they are close so...

Also the food, you know what they say: There's no food like mom's.

Surely enough, I was greeted with foodz filled with t3h awesomenss!

Pasta and things like that mostly so far... always a good thing ^^

And at least now I don't feel my fridge is empty all the time xD

Apart from that I've been studying, I'll be having an exam next monday... and I need/want to pass it for several reasons... she is counting on me, and he is as well... I think the first motivates me more though hahaha

Anyway, my brother really missed me... as usual x)
And he's always stuck in my room and asking to play games with him... basicaly my routine since I don't even know how many months ago xD

And also... days 17, 18 and 19 I'll be going to an isolated place with TUNA... probably I'll return "dead" (physicaly and mentaly) from there though... I just know that everyone says it won't be easy, in fact, it's one of the hardest things for those who started in the TUNA... well I hope I can get home either in the morning or the afternoon on sunday... I would like to take a bath, sleep (because I bet I won't sleep much there...) and maybe spend a little time with her if she wants to... I will probably need some confort... Truth be told, I don't think I've ever asked someone for those things... I think I didn't want to trouble them with "my things" and... somehow I always felt like they wouldn't enjoy it too much... either way I'll try :)

And that is about it, now I'll drift around and think about what to do next ^^

Probably I'll get a hammer and smash my computer... if he doesn't stop typing 2 times the same letter over and over again =)

quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012


She is a very special little girl... with a very special little heart...

terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Something more

There is also another thing I've noticed about her... her smell... she smells so good, partly because it is her smell... also it brings me a certain feeling of nostalgia, at least about her...

Do I love her? Of course I do... any being with eyes on it's face who can read english (or maybe even not really needing all that...) can see that clearly as day, I love that girl and I'm crazy about her.

Well but of course I also respect her... I don't force her at doing anything or even being with me, that's up to her, if she wants to then great ^^
If she doesn't it's her choice, I don't get mad, also because that's how she is... and since I love her, I love her for everything she is, not just this and that... I love every bit of that girl, that little ray of sunshine that shines even brighter than the sun itself when it's day time =)

Maybe it's because of that that I can tell I love her... I can find no faults in her... none... nothing that I can look and say "I wish she wasn't like that on this aspect..." no, I love her just the way she is and I want her to feel good in being herself, she is everything to me at this moment and quite frankly, I don't think anyone has gotten any close to meaning as much to me as she does... and I mean this again!

Maybe if I just "liked" her I would hear a "no" and say: "ok then... hope you are happy though" but... no... not this time... I really do love this girl, and I just want to be (at least) like I've always been with her ^^

Of course I wish that someday we will get even closer but... untill then, what we have is something I can call... perfect... yea... probably it can get better but it's perfect already...

I really do love the girl and I will not give up on her, I just won't! ^^

And honestly... I feel I might also be a bit... even if just a little bit... "special" to her...

Maybe it's just a matter of time... who knows... if I can be the one to show her what real love is... then I'll do it, I accept it and I'll do my best ^^

"You" mean a lot to me, remember that always :)

PS: being a blanket is awesome! =D

Once again here we go...

And again I'll talk about her...

Well, she is still the most precious and important "thing" on my life... every moment with her is special, even if they are very far away from each other... I don't care, they are special and each time they are even more =)

I don't have much more to say but... I AM sleepy ^^

segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012

Finally monday!

It feels it's been like a month waiting for this day! Even though it was like a week...

Anyway finally a day not like all the others, a day where I actually have a day full of interesting things to do... and people to be =)

We'll it just started like an hour ago, I just need to have lunch and then I'm all set to leave the house and start off the day ^^

Well I don't have much more to say now... but it'll be a nice day... I can feel it ^^

domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2012

I feel...

A lot better now, really =)

I have no idea why but... I feel so... happy, so... I don't know ^^

I feel good, that's what I know... I feel like everything is going to be great ^^

That I'll have a great day tomorrow... and the day past that... after wednesday I don't know what'll happen but... at least until then I feel I'm going to have great days ^^

A great company at least =)

Anyone with a minor brain should figure this one out :P

Anyone I feel happy, I feel good and energetic ^^

And that's about it ^^

^^ ^^ ^^
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

Hey look! Seagulls! =D

Aaaaaand I just found out that...

We also had a game today... and I woke up at 4PM... and it was at 6PM... but I didn't knew... result? I didn't go xD

Anyway our team won by 3-2 so... yay xD

Well that's about it... not much more to add x)

I feel lost....

I mean... on one hand I'm scared... but on the other hand I'm also joyful...
I have so many reasons to believe everything will turn out bad... but I've also so many more that give me the feeling that it will indeed succeed... I don't know... I really just don't know... I've been struggling with myself for such a long time now "It will work! It has to! Failure is almost impossible!" but at the same time I think "There's no way it will work... It won't be that easy... I'll struggle but I might very well fail..."... but... we never know until we try right? Just gotta keep on and be confident!

Well... I am confident... I've always been, but I've always had a tendency to keep a foot back... I never really give myself fully to expectations... as good as they may seem, as positive as they can get and even if there are millions of signs pointing towards it... I always keep that feeling on the back of my head that it might not work out... I'm not a pessimist, no... but I do know that there is always a change for everything to happen, be it good or bad... there is always even the tinyest of percentage that it might go the other way around...
But either way, and specially when it's something so important and so worth it like this, I'll still try! As we say "quem não arrisca não petisca", and also... a man will one day regret what he didn't do over what he did do...

So I'm gonna keep my head up, I will to my best to make it work, and if it doesn't... I'll try again... I can't give up on this now!

So with all that said... ONWARD!!! ^^


I feel warm... a weird kind of warm... a warm that... kind of hurts... what could this be? What is this? Could it be for the physical effort I did today? Could it be something else? Is it the heart? Lungs? Stomach? I don't know... I just want this feeling to go away... I want something that'll take it all away... I want to feel a warmth, but one that makes me smile... one that makes me smile inside and even outside... when will it happen? How will it happen? And... will it really happen?...

I don't know... so many questions... so many things I'm scared about... so many answers I'm terrified to know but... that I want to know so badly!

But... what's the point about stressing about it eh? Like always... I'll just wait and hope for the best... I just wish... that this "best" doesn't affect just me...

Sometimes... (again)

You find things that are simply beautiful on the internet... like this animation:
Contrast: A love story

It kinda touched me after seeing it and... somehow... I guess I feel somewhat the same... oh why does something so easy has to be so hard... but... I don't care... I will keep on going, because in the end, I just know it will be worth it... it WILL!

I don't care if it lasts an eternity or if it's gone some time after but... just to be there... just a moment... I... meh... aksbdajkshdbajshkb

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

I kinda miss programming...

Well, it's not like I've ever programmed much... just did a thing or two using adobe flash... never really did anything useful though, I wanted to make a game or two but never realy did enough...

Anyway, even though I had programming classes last year, it is true, not with the intention of bragging but I was one of the, or the best student in programming, most people called my help more times than they would call our teacher.
But either way, the programs we did were like simple math equations, using the console, no fancy graphics or anything, just stuff like "say the first number:... now the second:... 2 + 3 = 5", and things like that.

Well I did had fun with that, and I also learned some HTML and stuff, maybe one day I'll use what I've learned here on the blog... now that I think about it, lemme just test something :P


And that's about it... maybe one day I'll do something again, if I had a tablet though... not those giant pads that people use as computers, no, I mean those tablets that you use to draw on the computer, with like a plastic pen or something, maybe then I could do some more animations and games ^^

And that's about it for real this time :P

What shall I say today...

Well, apart from what I said today already...

Well, so I did go to meet the guys at 4PM and when I got there there was only one so far, well we talked about stuff, about events that are going to happen, a bit about TUNA's festivals and what I should be expecting and all... they all say it won't be easy, maybe it really won't but I'll handle it, I will get a "bico" on my shoulders one day!
Well anyway, when I got there I only had eaten like 12 cookies with strawberry jelly or whatever that is, and a drinkable yogurt...
So I decided to order a "nata" from the place where we were, and since the game would start in like 30 minutes I know I couldn't drink a can of coca-cola, so since the other guy ordered one I drank a bit from his to help the pastry go down haha.

We then went to the pavillion and soon enough it was our time to play... when I got in they told me to always keep pressure on the guy with the ball and I though to myself "meh, that's what I'm good at, leave it to me", and that's what I did, they could hardly advance because of that... too bad the rest of the team didn't take advantage of that though x)

Well soon enough I was exausted from all the running and I left the field again, my chest pumping, me grasping for air, my heart beating really fast... I spent like 10 minutes going to the bathroom and returning, over and over again... I couldn't even drink if I wanted to, also because I had a horrible taste on my mouth... you know when you run to much and you get that stuff... yeah...

But well, that's normal in me I guess, when I work out too hard... I always try to give my max when I'm running or something, not because I have to... but because I love it, I love to run at full speed, to feel light... to feel the wind of my face, I love to dash great distances... sure I get tired fast because with the exitement I don't even start steadily, I just start running fast, well... not at full speed because I'm still aware that we have to start slow but... on a fast pace.
I've been improving though, my regular running speed is now almost as fast as I was when I sprinted, and dear god does that feel good ^^

Now that I think about it... she can sprint almost as fast as I can! Hot damn! 0_o
I know I may not be the fastest guy alive but I think I'm still pretty fast... never really expected her to give me a real struggle...

And so... we lost 8-2... meh, could be worse... it's futsal after all... but that's ok, we all had fun and all that, and we all made weird faces on the team picture xD
haha I love these guys, but anyway, I came home earlier... why? Because apart from having forgotten the shampoo (which I could have asked someone to lend me of course) I forgot the towel, and that is something no one is willing to lend to a guy so he could rub his... xD

So I came home and had a shower... I was hungry as all hell so soon enough I went to have dinner and not much happened since then... Just to conclude... too lazy to go to the kitchen to get food when hungry... but still went to the bedroom to get the phone to keep me company... eheh ^^

It feels good...

It feels good to wake up in the morning (or the afternoon) and just stay there in bed... thinking... thinking about her, about what we've done, about what it could do... one can easily be lost there for hours xP
Well of course one thinks of the other aspects of life now and then, but it all ends either when you have something to do that day and you've gotta get ready, when you've spent there TOO long and have to finally get up, when someone forces you out of bed (like a mom or something, hehehe) or when your bodily functions start calling you...

Anyway, I'm gonna have a soccer game at around 17:00, the meeting point is at 16:00... just woke up a while ago and I'm just gonna eat a few cookies and drink some yogurts (since that's the only thing I have here, bah x))

And well, at least she wished me good luck ^^

Let's see how it goes


Well, there are not really enough words to describe that girl... she's a bit depressive at times, looking at the worst in life and herself, getting mad if I try to confort her or compliment her, being closed towards her thoughts and feelings, doing things most other's wouldn't, not caring about anything bad that could happen to her... but above all that, she is the cutest, sweetest, prettiest thing I've ever seen!
And even with all that's going on inside her head and inside her heart... she always keeps a smile on her face, no matter how much she's suffering, no matter how beat up her heart might be... she always keeps on a smile.. oh and what a gorgeous smile that is... I love her smile, her cute little almost child-like smile, on that pretty face... It makes my heart feel good ^^
And that I said that even if she is down she smiles? Well it doesn't bother me that much, and I say this because I can see through her eyes... I can see if she's well or not, and if I couldn't... dear God... I honestly have no idea how I would be right now... or her as well... even though she hardly ever needs help, or seems to be bothered when I ask or try to make her happy again, I can't just leave her... I dare to say she is the most precious thing in my life, I won't, I can' and I won't leave her behind! I wish to take care of her for as long and life permits me, I want to be by her side whenever she needs me, and also when she doesn't need me... what can I say? I love that girl, I love to be beside her, I love how her sweet face feels close to mine when I hug her... even if she doesn't want me to help or do anything when she's down I don't care, I'll keep on trying, so that when she really needs me, I'll be there, and untill then, at least she'll know I care and that I can feel her pain... yea I feel it too, her pain I feel it, I don't just see it... some times it might even be overwhelming but... I wouldn't want it to be any other way...
When she's hurt, I want to be by her, feeling and healing her pain.
When she's smiling I want to be happy with her...

I wish I could take her to see the whole world and... maybe... who knows... one day I really will, but for now I'll just take care of my own world and try to fix whatever could be wrong with it, maybe I'll make her see my world with a different view and start enjoying it a bit more =)

I know she doesn't like it too much when I'm nice to her but... somehow I feel she does infact like it when I say these nice things, but that there might be another reason for her to be unconfortable with it... maybe she's not used to it? I don't know... it doesn't make any sense.. how can she not be used to this things... her above all people... it makes no sense...
Either way, just as blankets do, I'll be by her side... when she's cold I'll cover her, when she's scared I'll hide and protect her, when she's sad I'll confort her...
Knowing her was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and this is the truth =)

PS: she IS my whole world...

About today

Well, it was a day almost like all the others, I went to meet a friend of mine which got here a bit late because she dind't had any other busses, aparently they change the scheduls when they please... oh well

Anyway, we went to the center of the city and-- brief pause on here, let me just say my PC is starting to get on my nerves... he must be hungry or something because it eat half the letter I type... and then he barfs a few extra as well -.-' anyway... --and then we went to mc donalds... Oh yeah, I brought my guitar and played a bit during the way, anyway after that we came to my place, so I could teach her guitar, since my electric was here we could both be playing.. she had to leave soon after though, to catch the bus.

From that moment on the day was basically the same as always...
Just standing here in front of the PC, looking at the usual sites and playing the binding of isaac now and then...
And o course, as always I also talked to her during the rest of the day as well (note: not the same "her" as above), but either way, it' always a nice company to talk to ^^
And I feel our conversations are getting more and more peasant... maybe somewhat loely even hahaha
And it's also funny because it looks like that we don't even know what we are saying to each other xD

Today I dinned out alone but that's ok, for one because it's close to my house and also because I'm kind of a regular customer there now.
Pasta carbonara, it's good there ^^

Well not much to add but... IT'S FREAKING COLD!!
She was right when she told me to keep warm, it really is getting freezing out there..

To finish this off, tomorrow I'll have the second official futsal game on the ARCUM's tournament, a tournament with all te TUNA's, student's association, etc.

I hope I'm more prepared this time, I sucked on the last game, pretty much I was only good to let the othe players rest x)

Well and that's about it... and it was also good to see she had an inspiration of happyness today, it made me feel really good ^^

And this is probably the last for tody (today = that period of time before I go to bed) so bye for now ^^

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Uma história linda e espétacular da minha vida

Hoje acordei, liguei o PC e escrevi isto.


Oh yeah, one more thing!

Today I felt really good when I got up... why? Because someone remembered me at that time and proved me that they actually care about me ^^

"Hey, put on some extra clothes these days, it's going to be really cold ok?"

It felt so good to see that ^^
Like... it wasn't even necessary for that person to tell me that but... it did, without me saying anything actually... and it was one of the few times when I talked to someone... without having to be me the first one to send a message or whatever... A person becomes that more special to you, when you also feel special to that person ^^

I don't know if I'm overreacting or not but... hey that's how I felt, if you like it then good ^^
If you don't oh well... what can I do?

Now I'm really going to bed and let's see what tomorrow brings us ^^

PS: despite being happy and all that these days, for some reason outside I've been looking really down and grim... I have no idea why... maybe it's because I should be sleeping more? That I'm tired? Maybe it's anxiety or something?
I don't know... right now it is a bit of a headache and tiredness but... Oh well... cya ,(^_^)/

I declare this day officially over

That's it, I've done everything for today, well... it's not that I've done much but, there's not much more I want to do now, she already left, and like yesterday first that me but, at least this time I didn't have that anxiety for hours looking at my phone to see if there was something there... I hope she does sleep well, she deserves it ^^

And I just game overed again on The Binding of Isaac, which is a harder game than it looks, I'm a bit good at it now though... anyway, that game over means the same as "go to bed" to me, because since there is no way to save your current progress on the game, and I didn't want to hybernate my PC, I just played and either wait for me to beat the game (yay new items and stuff ^^) or to die, like I just did.

It's a random game as in every item you get, and the dungeons you explore are always different, sometimes you get an awesome item on the start, that makes it easier for you to reach the end, other you reach the end of the game (if you get there) with very low stats and crappy items...

Either way enough about games, I'm going to bed now... perhaps tomorrow I'll go walk around a bit... I don't know... me and my guitar...

And maybe I'll receive a text message that isn't a promotion from my operator or a message saying I have to pay the bills ahahah

And I'm tired and with a slight headache so... I'm going to bed now, cya reduced number of people that maybe read these things ^^

Whatever's comming to my mind

Yup, that's what this post'll be all about, so where shall I start?

Well this week was rather "normal" but it was also nice ^^

I cooked some pasta... I don't remember the last time I did that though xD
I at at my "godfather's" place with a lot more people (see previous posts)
I went to TUM's rehearsal... I didn't go today though... it was really cold and since dinner was only ready when I should already be there, and since it's such a long way from my house and there was no one to take me... I decided not to go, well, at least no one called saying "DUDE! are you comming or not?", at least I feel slightly better for not dissapointing anyone :P

OH YEAH! I also played some soccer with the guys on tuesday, I scored a pretty awesome goal xD
Like, the goalkeeper go out of his place and started going all around in like "I'm dominating this!", but then, he slipped on himself right in front of me, I saw the ball and said "oh well, let's take it", and then, just for the fun of it, I started running really slow and waving my arms like a girl with the ball, I then kicked it, it went over the other guys' heads and BAM GOAAAAL! xD

When I get the video I'll post it though hahaha xD

And that's about it for this week...
As for the next one, I'm kinda exited about it ^^
I've got some plans with someone very dear to me... even if she says she doesn't like me to say it, she is, and I think we'll have a great time and I can hardly wait ^^

And I've been away from home for like... 2 weeks? gonna be out for like 2 and a half or maybe even 3... it's a new record since I came to college.

But it's alright, don't have a lot of money but... I can get around with what I have, no problem, also because I don't want my parents to waste all their money on me here... it isn't easy there days...

Well maybe tomorrow I'll go to the center of the city with my guitar, and a hat on the floor or something, and see if I can earn a few coins hhahaha

Also a good thing about this week is that I've always had someone to talk to ^^

And that's about it for today...

General mood: happy ^^

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Last night....

Last night was a really good night actually, we were like 17 having dinner on a single table at my "godfather's" house, we had fried chicken and rice, with some chips... and it was really REALLY good! I honestly dont even know how much I ate, I even said when I finished "well... I think I've had enough food until friday" (of course I didn't, I like food, I can't spend too long without eating x) ) anyway, in the middle me and some guys went to the bar to buy a few drinks, and I declared (is that right?) the happy birthday song to one of our doctors (?).

Well... That one doctor whose birthday was yesterday was someone that marked me that night, and I kinda felt sad and feel I let her down... she wanted me to pick her... but I didn't and I chose another... but still, I still asked if she would be my step-godmother and she so gladly accepted it that it made me really glad as well ^^

I still feel like I've kind of betrayed her... even though I was never too much with her... well... the least I can do now is to love her and be by her side as much as I would if she was my godmother in the first place ^^

Anyway the night was great, we went to a club that I've never been to before, I met some people there, everyone was around... it was nice :)

But even with all this I waited from since the time I left my house to go and have dinner, untill the very middle of the night for something... It finally happened and even though it was more like a "bye for now", it was good to feel remembered and all that =)

And now I have 1 godfather and 2 step-godmothers (please don't tell anyone teehee ^^)

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

It's a new day today...

Today I woke up... I didn't see her anywhere, not on the phone... not even when I logged in... truth be told I felt a bit lost.

Maybe I'm overreacting a bit but... meh who cares... I'll wait though... She can't be that far away =)