sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012


Well, there are not really enough words to describe that girl... she's a bit depressive at times, looking at the worst in life and herself, getting mad if I try to confort her or compliment her, being closed towards her thoughts and feelings, doing things most other's wouldn't, not caring about anything bad that could happen to her... but above all that, she is the cutest, sweetest, prettiest thing I've ever seen!
And even with all that's going on inside her head and inside her heart... she always keeps a smile on her face, no matter how much she's suffering, no matter how beat up her heart might be... she always keeps on a smile.. oh and what a gorgeous smile that is... I love her smile, her cute little almost child-like smile, on that pretty face... It makes my heart feel good ^^
And that I said that even if she is down she smiles? Well it doesn't bother me that much, and I say this because I can see through her eyes... I can see if she's well or not, and if I couldn't... dear God... I honestly have no idea how I would be right now... or her as well... even though she hardly ever needs help, or seems to be bothered when I ask or try to make her happy again, I can't just leave her... I dare to say she is the most precious thing in my life, I won't, I can' and I won't leave her behind! I wish to take care of her for as long and life permits me, I want to be by her side whenever she needs me, and also when she doesn't need me... what can I say? I love that girl, I love to be beside her, I love how her sweet face feels close to mine when I hug her... even if she doesn't want me to help or do anything when she's down I don't care, I'll keep on trying, so that when she really needs me, I'll be there, and untill then, at least she'll know I care and that I can feel her pain... yea I feel it too, her pain I feel it, I don't just see it... some times it might even be overwhelming but... I wouldn't want it to be any other way...
When she's hurt, I want to be by her, feeling and healing her pain.
When she's smiling I want to be happy with her...

I wish I could take her to see the whole world and... maybe... who knows... one day I really will, but for now I'll just take care of my own world and try to fix whatever could be wrong with it, maybe I'll make her see my world with a different view and start enjoying it a bit more =)

I know she doesn't like it too much when I'm nice to her but... somehow I feel she does infact like it when I say these nice things, but that there might be another reason for her to be unconfortable with it... maybe she's not used to it? I don't know... it doesn't make any sense.. how can she not be used to this things... her above all people... it makes no sense...
Either way, just as blankets do, I'll be by her side... when she's cold I'll cover her, when she's scared I'll hide and protect her, when she's sad I'll confort her...
Knowing her was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and this is the truth =)

PS: she IS my whole world...

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