sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

What shall I say today...

Well, apart from what I said today already...

Well, so I did go to meet the guys at 4PM and when I got there there was only one so far, well we talked about stuff, about events that are going to happen, a bit about TUNA's festivals and what I should be expecting and all... they all say it won't be easy, maybe it really won't but I'll handle it, I will get a "bico" on my shoulders one day!
Well anyway, when I got there I only had eaten like 12 cookies with strawberry jelly or whatever that is, and a drinkable yogurt...
So I decided to order a "nata" from the place where we were, and since the game would start in like 30 minutes I know I couldn't drink a can of coca-cola, so since the other guy ordered one I drank a bit from his to help the pastry go down haha.

We then went to the pavillion and soon enough it was our time to play... when I got in they told me to always keep pressure on the guy with the ball and I though to myself "meh, that's what I'm good at, leave it to me", and that's what I did, they could hardly advance because of that... too bad the rest of the team didn't take advantage of that though x)

Well soon enough I was exausted from all the running and I left the field again, my chest pumping, me grasping for air, my heart beating really fast... I spent like 10 minutes going to the bathroom and returning, over and over again... I couldn't even drink if I wanted to, also because I had a horrible taste on my mouth... you know when you run to much and you get that stuff... yeah...

But well, that's normal in me I guess, when I work out too hard... I always try to give my max when I'm running or something, not because I have to... but because I love it, I love to run at full speed, to feel light... to feel the wind of my face, I love to dash great distances... sure I get tired fast because with the exitement I don't even start steadily, I just start running fast, well... not at full speed because I'm still aware that we have to start slow but... on a fast pace.
I've been improving though, my regular running speed is now almost as fast as I was when I sprinted, and dear god does that feel good ^^

Now that I think about it... she can sprint almost as fast as I can! Hot damn! 0_o
I know I may not be the fastest guy alive but I think I'm still pretty fast... never really expected her to give me a real struggle...

And so... we lost 8-2... meh, could be worse... it's futsal after all... but that's ok, we all had fun and all that, and we all made weird faces on the team picture xD
haha I love these guys, but anyway, I came home earlier... why? Because apart from having forgotten the shampoo (which I could have asked someone to lend me of course) I forgot the towel, and that is something no one is willing to lend to a guy so he could rub his... xD

So I came home and had a shower... I was hungry as all hell so soon enough I went to have dinner and not much happened since then... Just to conclude... too lazy to go to the kitchen to get food when hungry... but still went to the bedroom to get the phone to keep me company... eheh ^^

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