terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Something more

There is also another thing I've noticed about her... her smell... she smells so good, partly because it is her smell... also it brings me a certain feeling of nostalgia, at least about her...

Do I love her? Of course I do... any being with eyes on it's face who can read english (or maybe even not really needing all that...) can see that clearly as day, I love that girl and I'm crazy about her.

Well but of course I also respect her... I don't force her at doing anything or even being with me, that's up to her, if she wants to then great ^^
If she doesn't it's her choice, I don't get mad, also because that's how she is... and since I love her, I love her for everything she is, not just this and that... I love every bit of that girl, that little ray of sunshine that shines even brighter than the sun itself when it's day time =)

Maybe it's because of that that I can tell I love her... I can find no faults in her... none... nothing that I can look and say "I wish she wasn't like that on this aspect..." no, I love her just the way she is and I want her to feel good in being herself, she is everything to me at this moment and quite frankly, I don't think anyone has gotten any close to meaning as much to me as she does... and I mean this again!

Maybe if I just "liked" her I would hear a "no" and say: "ok then... hope you are happy though" but... no... not this time... I really do love this girl, and I just want to be (at least) like I've always been with her ^^

Of course I wish that someday we will get even closer but... untill then, what we have is something I can call... perfect... yea... probably it can get better but it's perfect already...

I really do love the girl and I will not give up on her, I just won't! ^^

And honestly... I feel I might also be a bit... even if just a little bit... "special" to her...

Maybe it's just a matter of time... who knows... if I can be the one to show her what real love is... then I'll do it, I accept it and I'll do my best ^^

"You" mean a lot to me, remember that always :)

PS: being a blanket is awesome! =D

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