domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2012

I feel lost....

I mean... on one hand I'm scared... but on the other hand I'm also joyful...
I have so many reasons to believe everything will turn out bad... but I've also so many more that give me the feeling that it will indeed succeed... I don't know... I really just don't know... I've been struggling with myself for such a long time now "It will work! It has to! Failure is almost impossible!" but at the same time I think "There's no way it will work... It won't be that easy... I'll struggle but I might very well fail..."... but... we never know until we try right? Just gotta keep on and be confident!

Well... I am confident... I've always been, but I've always had a tendency to keep a foot back... I never really give myself fully to expectations... as good as they may seem, as positive as they can get and even if there are millions of signs pointing towards it... I always keep that feeling on the back of my head that it might not work out... I'm not a pessimist, no... but I do know that there is always a change for everything to happen, be it good or bad... there is always even the tinyest of percentage that it might go the other way around...
But either way, and specially when it's something so important and so worth it like this, I'll still try! As we say "quem não arrisca não petisca", and also... a man will one day regret what he didn't do over what he did do...

So I'm gonna keep my head up, I will to my best to make it work, and if it doesn't... I'll try again... I can't give up on this now!

So with all that said... ONWARD!!! ^^

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