domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

TUNA - Everything went better than expected... (1)

well, I don't even know what to say, it was a long long week end...

Well, first I went to our HQ to meet up with som of the guys so we would go to the house wheere we would stay, all the instruments had already been taken so we didn't have much work that time... we waited around, talked and stuff, people started to freakout with my new cell phone with an even bigger antenna and started to tell me to put TV on xD

Oh well, funny stuff, anyway then we went to the house which was in Vieira do Minho, on the middle of the mountains and all that... all the week end the temperature was so freezing that you could feel it slicing your face... even inside the house, specially the bedrooms...

Well we had a fireplace there, but mostly it was used only by our TUNOS, doesn't really make a difference though, we worked almost all the time so it isn't that bothersome... washing dishes, preparing things for them to eat, etc etc etc.

I'll say this already, the food was AMAZING! everything Brito makes is really good! He's a tuno as well, but damn... so tasty...

The first night (early in the night) we were told to go get firewood and so me and another guy went with the wheelbarrow to get a piece of a tree trunk... it was pitch black out there, we had to carry a lantern, even with the light coming from inside the house we almost couldn't see a thing.
We got it in the cart and brought it back, then it was time for our tunos to have fun... CHOPPING WOOD!
Man... did we laugh with that xD
I can't really describe it but... it was really funny, specially when a certain tuno... instead of breaking the log, he broke the axe in half xD

Luckily we had 2 axes!

Anyway, after some time some of our freshman heroes decided to go and bring a whole tree trunk into the house!

Conclusion? They failed and got lots of bruises xD

After all that... we had some... tasks for that night, "praxe" as we call it... we've been hearing from everyone how the "retiro tunae" was one of the hardest things for a freshman and that they did really horrible stuff so we had no idea what to expect...

We went out there, with some tunos, they talked and all... and what was the first task? To gather "faulha", those thingies from the pine trees that get brown when the fall and stuff... we used that to make a fire, then we gathered firewood.

When we were out there... and I looked at the sky... there were so many shining stars that I couldn't stop wishing to be under that sky with her... just the two of us of course... that would have been so cute... I hope I will someday, I want to take her to somewhere special =)
And no... I couldn't stop thinking about her the whole week end... even with all that stuff going on and all... meh, kinda tough but hey... at least it was only 3 days =)

Our next task... was to... gather pines... 2 pines for each guy... the only difficulty there was that there was no light... apart from the fire we made and some lighters, we did get them all, we had to divide in groups, and one had to stay to make sure the fire didn't die out and to keep them filled with their beer needs.

After that... get moss, a big piece of moss for everyone to carry at the same time... we gathered a lot of big pieces and put all our hands together and brought it back... then they talked... we talked about what that was to us and all, we talked about how things were in our group etc etc etc...

We got back at around 6 or so in the morning... and soon enough we went sleeping... some guys told us to put our alarms to 10AM... but good news came when they said "dude, they said to get up at 1PM to prepare lunch" OH YEAH! SLEEPING 6 HOURS!!!

When the last of the freshmen came into the room, they started talking at each other and saying the usual nonsenses... we all laughed a lot xD
But when everyone was finally quiet and ready to sleep... a guy starts having hickups! I don't even know how long I laughed because of that xD

Anyway, that was the first day... more to come soon :P

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