sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Who am I kidding...

Of course that "little world" of mine didn't leave! How could I even think that? The only difference was what I actually did physically... not mentally... even though I went out more times and all and had fun, there was always something that came back to my mind... couldn't stop thinking... even when I knew that there was almost no way, no chance and that it was even inconvenient for me to do so, I always kept checking my cellphone to see if there was something, anything!

Cannot stop thinking about her... cannot give up from her... I'd to anything for her and I would give away everything just to take care of her, and I wouldn't regret doing that at all!

She means so much... she IS so much... she deserves WAY more that I can give her but... I will do my best... I will give whatever I can and if I have nothing to give then I shall be there for whatever is needed... not because I feel like I must... but because I want to... and to "me" I really do must do it... this last part was confusing... it's not that I HAVE to do it... I will not die from that... but I just can't NOT do it, and if I don't, I really will die... maybe not physically... but I will, I want to take care of her because she deserves it, and because I'm happy in doing so...

I know all I've written lately is about a "she" or a "her", and even if the topic wasn't about that, there was always half a dozen lines dedicated to her... but what can I do? What can you write about other than the only thing that is in your mind? Well... you can say what did happen during the day... which is what I've been trying to do... but if I start to talk about thoughts or anything... there she is again... I'm not complaining, I love thinking about her... and even though I think about her all day, even if it may be a bit excessive, I like doing it... my heart feels good when I do...

True... some times I start daydreaming... but meh, usually it's no biggie... maybe I get scolded now and then but oh well, nothing serious :)

So much to say... so little words... most people can understand all this with that little 4-lettered word... but there is always something our hearts want to cry out... some things can be told, others can... but shouldn't... and other are simply just impossible to explain...

I don't know what the future will bring me, bring her or even bring us... but if she'll be happy then I'll be as well... if she'll be happy with me then I will be even happier =)

There are some things in life that you wouldn't give away no matter what... I've just found one of them, don't know if I'll ever find more but... if there was a top 10 or something in my life with all that's important... she would definitely be #1... and that wouldn't be saying enough...

A day without food would be easier than a day without her...

But hey people, don't think I'm gonna freak out or something... I'm just happy because I found the most wonderful thing in the world and I want to treasure it more than anything else =)

Because she is my biggest treasure...

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