quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012


Well what can I say... after this tiring weekend I finally started having classes monday, presentations mostly... after which we had praxe, well I kinda though it would be tougher, still something manageable of course, but harsher, which really wasn't...

Today I didn't have classes because of a reason I really don't know what it is, some kind of... uhm... tolerance or something like that... and anyway, I had praxe today as well, it was rather funny, the one today and yesterday, we mostly played and stuff, and talked with our superiors and all about random things... games... etc... we were few but, doesn't matter, it hasn't really started anyway, a lot of the people are only coming tomorrow, and they know that so it shouldn't matter much...

Then I had a rehearsal with tuna... only a few came once again, but this time because of a massive hangover that I bet all the others had x)

It was fun, we played a game called "throwing of the wolverine" (that's me), which consisted in putting me in a shopping cart and throwing me hard on that narrow hallway we have there xD

It was fun to see the faces of the ones who were supposed to catch me like "OH SHIT!!! IT'S COMING SO FAST!!! D:" ahahhahahah xD

Well then we really had the rehearsal, it was a different one and this time we did it while sitting down, we all laughed, singed, etc etc etc... good times basically x)

It was kinda good to come out, lately I've been stuck in my own little word... you know which "world" I'm talking about, if you don't... well... don't worry about it, if you're not related, probably you don't "need" to know :P

But I have been coming a little out of that world... of course... I like her no less, and her value and all that hasn't dropped at all, but I am starting to feel a bit more free with myself, and happy as I have been all this time =)
Luckily, tomorrow I'll see her again ^^
I don't know how long will it be untill... uhm... I don't know xD
But either way, I'll wait ^^

And tomorrow finally we have the course dinner :D
It'll probably be fun, and it will have PIZZA! :D ^^ :P :')
Then I don't know where we'll go... if UPS or BA... I'd rather BA... because I don't pay entrance x)
And neither do my friends so...

Well, that's about it, I'm happy, I hope she is as well, you (the reader) and balskndasdjkasldjbasldjh

Take care y'all ^^

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